Tuesday, 29 May 2018

eBook Summer Reading Opportunity

Did you know that you can now get free eBooks and audiobooks from the school library? 

It’s easy!

Just visit http://yrdsb.lib.overdrive.com/ ​and borrow digital books by logging in with your student number – just remember to put a zero in front of it! (e.g. 0xxxxxxx) 

You can enjoy free eBooks on all major devices, such as iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phones and tablets, Chromebooks, laptops or desktop computers.  

The collection has books like Big Nate and The Secret Path and thousands more.  

Visit the York Region District School eBook library for more information or access the site 24/7 at http://yrdsb.lib.overdrive.com/ ​  

Any questions? Just ask Mrs. Truscott!

Early Release Day ~ June 28, 2018

All schools in the York Region District School Board are committed to improving student achievement and well-being.  On Thursday, June 28, 2018, an early release day will take place to allow elementary teachers and support staff to take part in meetings during the afternoon of that day.  These meetings will allow for school staff to engage in culminating activities regarding the review and revision of the School’s Improvement Plan as well as year-end and transition activities that support student success. 

As has been our practice in the past, students will attend school during the morning of Thursday, June 28, 2018 only.  Students will be dismissed early that day at 11:30 am.  Arrangements will be made to ensure that students who are normally bused to and from school will receive transportation at this time.  Parents/guardians whose children attend after school child care should make appropriate arrangements to address this change in schedule.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Class Placement 2018-2019

As we begin to organize for September, it is important that we have the most up to date information from all our families. Please help us!

If you know that your child will not be returning to JRPS for the 2018-19 school year for any reason (except for Grade 8’s graduating to Grade 9), please inform the school office in writing as soon as possible.

Part of our September organization process is determining classes for next fall.

When we build classes, the following criteria are taken into consideration:

 Class sizes consistent with Ministry and Board Guidelines
 A range of performance levels within each class
 Gender balance
 Placement of ESL or Special Education students that facilitates resource or withdrawal programs 
 Promoting positive social relationships while minimizing unproductive associations
 Matching learning and teaching styles whenever possible

If there is information regarding your child of which you feel we are not currently aware, and which would be pertinent to placement decisions, please advise Ms. Patrick and the homeroom teacher in writing by May 25, 2018

Please be aware that we do not take specific requests for teachers as part of this process.

As every year, due to Ministry class size restrictions, homeroom classes are tentative until the end of September.