Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Looking Forward, Celebrating the Moment, Looking Back in 2017-2018

The Last Day of School is Here!

A time to look forward, celebrate the moment and look back.  

Looking forward is a chance for all of us to build on what we have learned and explore exciting new possibilities. Celebrating the moment – a step taken or a goal achieved – gives us all a chance to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Looking back gives us a chance to review and reflect on what we have learned.  Please take some time to reflect with your child in the summer.  

Looking forward please take some time to help your child set goals for what they can accomplish this summer. Parents, please also take some time also to speak with your children about their goals for the upcoming school year: hopes and dreams they may have as they think about changing to their new grades, making new friends, and taking on the challenges of a new year. 

Please consider becoming a volunteer or member of our School Council to help further along the growth and development of our school programs and opportunities for all. Our school is stronger with your involvement.

Celebrating the moment - Our staff are continually learning and growing together to engage our students in authentic learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom.  As partners in education, together we have supported many children in helping to achieve their goals.  As well, our JRPS staff has been able to provide many varied and rich learning opportunities for our students through the arts, athletics and academics this school year. 2017-2018 was an incredible year for us all. Please join us in appreciating our incredible staff at James Robinson. Their dedication to our student’s academic development, critical thinking skills, social skill development, problem solving skills, athletic development, character development,  and healthy life-style choices to name a few, are areas we have seen tremendous growth this school year. We are so very proud of our student’s accomplishments. Thank you for your support in all areas. Developing the hearts and minds of our little ones definitely needs a team effort! 

Looking back, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents in our community who drop in to talk with us about their child’s growth and development and their education at JRPS. Feel free to come by the office at anytime to talk about your concerns and suggestions for improvement – or any questions you may have about our school programs and supports available.  We value creativity, innovation and collaboration to create an engaged school community. We truly look forward to our continued journey together.

As my first year as principal of JRPS is coming to a close….I truly feel blessed! James Robinson is a school where people care about one another. We are committed to academic excellence. We are committed to the well being of everyone in our community. We support one another. We strive to provide the best learning opportunities for students and staff. James Robinson truly is a great place to be!

We would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to some some Ravens who are leaving the Nest: Mrs. Clarke, Ms. Kroon, Mrs. Lo, Mrs. Mallinos, Ms. Orr, Mrs. Raud, Mr. Taylor, and our beloved Mrs. Yi. Best of luck in your new and exciting adventures ~ hold on to your Raven feathers for when our paths cross again. We would like to welcome Mrs. Keirstead as our new Vice Principal, Mrs. Reddan on our community class team, Mrs. Tepperman as our part-time guidance teacher, and finally welcome to Mrs. Yeung as a new member of the special education team.

Have a safe and enjoyable summer break. We look forward to seeing your face and hearing your summer stories on September 4th.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Yearbook Sales

Ravens! This year’s yearbook is available to order now!  Information is coming home with students today.  However - you can also order online:

Access Code:  13542418

The yearbooks will be delivered in September and our graduates will be invited back for a pick up/ signing night.  

If you are leaving the neighbourhood and order a yearbook, we can make arrangements to have it shipped to you.

Talent Show and Year End Assembly June 28th

Our annual JRPS year-end Talent Show and Character Assembly will be combined into one action-packed event on June 28th. 

All are welcome to join in the fun. 

The event will take place between 8:45 - 10:10 a.m. on the back tarmac.

We would love to see you there!

Friday, 22 June 2018

Volunteer Tea

JRPS would like to recognize all of our parent, grandparent, and community volunteers and lunch assistants who have supported our school over the 2018-2019 school year. We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for making JRPS a great place to be!

For those volunteers who were unable to attend the volunteer breakfast this morning, we will be sending home a certificate of appreciation with your child this week.

Thank you to Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Park for organizing the breakfast this year. It was a lovely affair!

Lost and Found

All items in the lost and found will be donated to charity on Wednesday, June 27. If you are missing articles of clothing or other items, please have your child look for them on the lost and found display tables on Monday.

No Sub and Pizza Lunch Next Week!

Dear parents and guardians, this is a friendly reminder that both sub and pizza lunches are finished for the school year. There will be no subs next week (Tues June 26th) and no pizza on Thu June 28th (11:30 dismissal day).

Thank you for your support of these school fundraising programs. Best wishes for a safe and happy summer.

JRPS School Council.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Staffing Announcement for JRPS

We are pleased to announce that Krista Keirstead has been appointed as a half time vice-principal at James Robinson starting in September. Mrs. Keirstead comes to us with a wealth of experience in elementary schools, both as a teacher and administrator, most recently as VP at John McCrae P.S. in Markham.

We look forward to welcoming Mrs. Keirstead as the newest member of our incredible JRPS family in the fall.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found items will be on display this week (June 5-8) and again for the Community Celebration evening on June 20. 

If you are looking for wayward articles of clothing, outerwear, footwear, lunch bags, water bottles, etc etc, please visit our front foyer and see if items can be reunited with your family. 

Smaller or valuable lost items are turned in at the office. Please see Mrs. Lo or Mrs. Mallinos in the main office if you wish to inquire.

All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of the month.

Scholastic Book Fair June 5-8

There will be a Scholastic Book Fair June 5-8.  

Families are welcome to come and purchase books during our Family Events - Tues June 5 after school from 3-4 pm, and Wed June 6 in the evening from 5-7 pm. Students will have a chance to buy books during the school day as well. 

Choose some great summer reads and support our school library!  Your purchases allow us to get new Scholastic titles for James Robinson PS. 

See you at the Book Fair!