Friday, 31 May 2019

James Robinson P.S. is hosting a Book Fair!

It's that time of year again!

Book Fair!

Families can visit together on
June 6th from 3:15-6:00 pm
during our school Fun Fair

The fair will begin on Tues. June 4th and end on Fri. June 7th.
 It will be open at morning recess on Wednesday and Friday for students in grade 4 and up to independently make purchases.  

K-3 students will be supported with purchases during the Book Fair.

Thank you in advance for your support. The Book Fair allows James Robinson P.S. to receive new books for our students to use!  

Reading Rocks!

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Message From Our Trustee

As we near the end of the school year, this is a good time to celebrate all your child has learned and achieved. I hope that you have seen evidence of their growth and learning throughout the year.

Supporting the well-being and achievement of our students is a partnership with families and communities, and I want to thank you for all that you do to help strengthen our schools and support your child’s learning. We know that when you ask your child about their learning, help them make connections or participate in school events, our students and our schools benefit.

I look forward to continuing to build relationships with families over the summer months and in the 2019-2020 school year. As we go into the summer, there are many opportunities to continue supporting your child’s learning - whether helping to plan a family trip, visiting a local museum, reading a book or participating in one of the many exciting summer learning programs offered through the Board. I hope that whatever you have planned, you have a safe and enjoyable summer.

I would also like to offer a special congratulations to the graduating class of 2019. We wish you all the very best as you move on to this next phase of your life. We look forward to welcoming back all of our new and returning families in the fall.

A message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees is also available on the Board website at

Allan Tam

Monday, 27 May 2019

Knitting Club in Kneed!

Our primary knitting club is in need of balls of yarn! If you have spare yarn at home and aren't using it, Mrs. Edlin would love to take it off your hands.

We appreciate your support! 

Track and Field May 30th

Our annual JRPS Track and Field tryout day for grade 4-8 will be Thursday, May 30th. 

Winners of individual events will be selected to represent the Ravens at the Area Track and Field meet on Tuesday June 11th.

If your child is in grade 4-8, please ensure they are dressed for athletics, and have a hat, sunscreen, and water bottle.

In the event of inclement weather, we will reschedule Track and Field to the following week.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Fun Fair Registration

Our Fun Fair is fast approaching and we have received many wristband orders from our families already!

The Fun Fair is a great way to celebrate the end of the school year and new beginnings for the summer and year to come with food, music, and fun activities. Proceeds from the Fun Fair will support our fundraising plan. We hope to see everyone there!

It is important to note when registering:

  1. EVERY participant must purchase a wristband: including parents. The wristband comes with a meal and access to all activities
  2. The Fun Fair starts at 4:30 p.m on June 6th
  3. Parents/guardians must accompany their child(ren)
The Fun Fair Committee

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Coffee Chat with Trustees and Board Chair (May 27)

Parents are invited to a coffee chat for all Markham area schools. Join us in an opportunity to meet your trustee and to discuss topics in education that matter to you. Refreshments will be served.

When: May 27, 2019
              3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Where: Markham D.H.S. : 89 Church St., Markham, ON Library

Who: Trustee Allan Tam, Board Chair Corrie McBain and Vice-Chair Juanita Nathan

If you have any questions, please contact (905)727-0022 ext. 2272 or

Friday, 17 May 2019

Ice Cream Sandwiches * NEW DATE *

Hi Raven Families,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ice Cream Sandwich Day will be changed from May 24th to May 29th.  We apologize for the delay - this was out of our control.  We will be enjoying it on the 29th - worth waiting for!!!  Thanks for being understanding.

Call for PEAC Applications 2019-2020

We wish to bring to your attention a Call for Membership Application process for the Parent, Family and Community Engagement Committee (PEAC) now underway.  This process invites parents, guardians or caregivers of students attending schools in the following areas to apply. Our school area has one elementary and one secondary position available. 

PEAC is an advisory committee responsible for providing advice to the Board on strategies to support and strengthen the engagement of parents, families and communities. The Committee’s mandate involves and is not limited to:

  • developing strategies and initiatives the Board can  use to effectively communicate to parents/guardians to engage them in improving student achievement and wellbeing
  • working with school councils of schools of the Board and, through the Board’s Director of Education, with employees of the Board
  • identifying and reduce barriers to parent engagement

Please find more information on the Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee webpage which details the PEAC application process, vacancies, and PEAC’s role and responsibilities with your school council and wider school community. 

An information session for interested parents, guardians and caregivers will be held on Wednesday May 22, 2019 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.  at EC-Aurora in the boardroom.  

Thank you for your commitment to supporting parent engagement!

It's Time to Register for the Fun Fair!

Come one, come all to the 

James Robinson P.S. Fun Fair 2019!

When: June 6, 2019 (Rain or Shine)

Time: 4:30-7:30 p.m.

What: FUN! Face-painting, activities, bouncy castles, silent auction, food, food and more food, music, dancing, and a Scholastic Book Fair!

How: Register your family by May 24 to reserve your admission wristbands.

Registration envelopes are coming home today with the youngest child in each family. Registration payments can be made by cheque, cash, or online payment. 

Family Food orders must be completed and submitted on the envelope, regardless of payment method.

We hope to see all of our Robinson Raven families there!

Thank you to the members of the JRPS school council and organizing committee who are working hard to make this event a success.

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer please contact Mrs. Bramer at to get connected to the team.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

2018-2019 Yearbook Sales

Yearbook sales are open!

If you you are interested in purchasing a 2018-2019 yearbook, please visit by June 21 and enter yearbook code: 13542419. 

Cheque payments should be payable to James Robinson P.S. and accompanied by a yearbook order form which can be picked up in the main office. Cheque payment orders are due by June 4. 

Yearbooks will be delivered in September 2019. Students not returning to JRPS will have yearbooks mailed to their new school.