Friday, 13 December 2019

Save the Date for a JRPS Winter Concert ~ January 16th

This year our students will be performing songs from Character Street; a fun musical featuring a colourful group of neighbourhood friends learning important life lessons.

When: January 16, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Bill Crothers S.S. 
Performances by: Grade 1-4 classes and the grade 5-8 Drama Club
Audience: Everyone is welcome!

Please join us in this celebration of musical talents from students of all ages.

We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Spirit Week ~ Dec. 16-20

Next week will be spirit week at JRPS! Show your spirit and earn Colour House points for your team.

Each day will be a different day to dress up and have some fun:

Monday: Red and Green or Blue and White Day
Tuesday: Beach Day
Wednesday: Wacky Hair and/or Hat Day
Thursday: Superhero Day
Friday: Pajama Day

Dress up and show your school spirit!

Monday, 9 December 2019

Mitten Tree and Markham Food Bank Donations

Each year in December, JRPS collects new, unused hats and mittens as well as non-perishable food items and toiletry items throughout the month. 

Students decorate the foyer Christmas Tree with hats and mittens and place the food/toiletry items in the boxes under the tree. 

All donated items will be given to the Markham Food Bank on Dec. 20.

Please help out the cause if you can!

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Throwing Snow

Happy Wednesday to our Raven Families,
It has been brought to our attention that students are participating in snow ball fights after school on the school property.  Historically, we have a 'safe' throwing area at school near the baseball diamond during recesses that is supervised by a staff member...this will start up soon.  We are sending our students mixed messages if it is okay to throw snow 'anywhere' at certain times of day and not okay at others.  Please support our students to be safe at school by reiterating our message of no throwing snow.  This sends a clear message that is consistent and helps us keep all of our children safe.
Thank you!!
JRPS Staff

Monday, 2 December 2019

Lost and Found Items

Do any of these items look familiar to you?

Our Lost and Found will be donated on Monday. Please ask you child to retrieve any lost belongings in the front foyer by Friday.

** Please label your child's clothing, including shoes ** We search each item thoroughly in order to return them to their rightful owner. the images below are the unlabelled items that have been misplaced.

Winter Pizza and Sub Orders Due Dec. 11

Order forms have gone home with students for families who wish to order pizza or sub lunches from the end of the Winter Break until March Break.

Orders forms with payment are due back by Dec. 11th.

If you pay for your child(ren)'s order using SchoolCashOnline, there is no need to return the paper order form.