Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Fun Fair Update

Last week's Fun Fair was a huge success! Parents, staff, and students had a wonderful time joining in an celebrating our great school as the 2018-2019 school year is coming to a close.

The proceeds from Fun Fair also benefit our students by allowing us to purchase items on our School Fundraising Plan, such as technology, field trips, sporting equipment, Scientists in the Schools, and other exciting program enhancements that benefit our students.

We made over $5000 toward our fundraising goals with the event. Wow!

Thank you to all members of the community who generously donated items, food, money, and/or their precious time in order to make the 2019 Fun Fair such a huge success.

A giant shout out to the parent organizing committee who spent weeks organizing and orchestrating the event. You make JRPS a great place to be!