Thursday, 5 September 2019

Elementary International and Indigenous Languages Program

Dear Families,
York Region District School Board’s Elementary International and Indigenous Languages Program is pleased to offer over 20 languages at 35 different sites from Tuesday to Friday evenings, and Saturday mornings. Our Board has one of the largest International and Indigenous Languages programs in the province with approximately 15,000 students who register each year.
Classes run 2.5 hours once a week for 30 weeks for Elementary SK-8 students who want to learn a new language or maintain their heritage language.  The cost for the entire program is $20.00.  Program brochures will also be sent home from your child(ren)’s school.
We would like to share with you our program information:  
  • New student registration (New registrants must submit a copy of the Birth Certificate) begins at the language location during the specified registration hours listed on our brochure or on our webpage.
  • Please note online registration through EDSBY is now closed so families must register in person.
  • First day of classes begin at the language location during the specified dates and times listed on our brochure or on our webpage.
  • Students pre-registered online through EDSBY are to attend the first day of classes at the language location during the specified dates and times listed on our brochure.
  • Huron Heights Secondary School is a new language site opening for the 2019-2020 school year.
For elementary courses, registration times and locations, please see our updated flyer.
For elementary program information, please visit:

If you require any further information, please contact us at:

Thank you,
International and Indigenous Languages Program