Thursday, 26 September 2019

YRDSB Student Suicide Intervention Protocol

York Region District School Board is committed to student well-being and mental health. YRDSB has developed a Student Suicide Intervention Protocol to help keep students safe in the event of suicidal thoughts or actions. The Student Suicide Intervention Protocol will be implemented starting fall 2019. Youth suicide is a complex, emotionally-charged and sadly real problem in Canada. It is the second leading cause of death amongst young people. It’s important to recognize that those who struggle with mental health have personal strength and resilience and the potential to overcome difficulties to ultimately thrive. 

The YRDSB Student Suicide Intervention Protocol is designed to address the six steps involved when responding to current and present thoughts of suicide, as well as actions related to suicide. In addition, the Protocol is governed by a set of guiding principles which are underpinned by a culturally responsive and reflective practice. 

Suicide is not culturally neutral. Our cultural and ethnic backgrounds will inform how each of us understands suicide. To see all the guiding principles, refer to the print version of the YRDSB Student Suicide Intervention Protocol on the on the board website. 

Given the urgent need to help keep students safe from suicide, each school has access to Board staff trained in suicide intervention. In the urgent situation of suicide intervention, staff trained in suicide intervention do not require parental / guardian consent to intervene. However, we do make every effort to contact parents/ guardians to apprise you of your child’s situation and the assistance provided. Parents/guardians are an integral part of keeping their children safe. In the event that the intervention protocol is used, a record of the intervention will be shared with you and a copy will be created and stored in a private and confidential on-line records management system. In accordance with privacy and health records legislation, a copy will be retained until the student turns 31 years of age. As per the protocol parental/guardian (student if 18 or over) consent will be sought to share the intervention plan with those members identified in the record. If you have any questions about the Student Suicide Intervention Protocol please contact your school principal.