Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Fall Fest Fundraising Recap

Our annual Fall Fest Dance-a-thon was a huge success this year! The students had a fantastic time in the beautifully decorated gym and we managed to raise $3400 to support purchasing items for our school such as new computers, sports equipment, and musical instruments. Thank you to all parents who donated funds to our cause.

Thank you to Laura M.  and the parents on school council for putting on this amazing event for our school and students. Parents gave up their time to design the posters, organize the dance, decorate the gym, and manage the snack sales. Thanks to the staff who offered up prizes for the "I Made a Difference Today" raffle. Thanks to the grade 8 students for selling the snacks. Finally, huge thanks to Mrs. Lo in the office for managing the large amount of cash, cheques, and on-line donations that came in during the two weeks of this fundraiser.