Thursday, 28 May 2020

Kindergarten - Grade 8 Registration

Kindergarten Registration

While schools may not be open, families can still register for Kindergarten. Our school, along with all elementary schools in the Board, is now offering online registration. Families can access the online Kindergarten registration information at

Please note: A laptop or desktop computer is strongly recommended to complete the online registration, rather than a mobile device.

Alternatively, families can also complete the elementary school registration form and email it directly to the school. Once schools re-open, families will need to bring in their documents (e.g., birth certificates) for verification.

School Registration (Grades 1-8)

Families new to York Region District School Board registering a student in Grades 1-12 can submit the registration forms via email. 

1. If you are required to register through the Reception Centre, please send a completed school registration form to Families can contact the Reception Centre directly with questions or if additional support is required.

2. Families who do not need to register through the Reception Centre can send a completed student school registration form to their school email address. Use the school locator tool to identify your home school. School email addresses are available on the school websites.

We look forward to welcoming our new students and families to our school. Families are welcome to send questions regarding registration to the school's email address found on the schools’ website.